Saturday, September 27, 2008

"No, I don't want to read your Blog!"

I saw this on a t-shirt the other day, so I thought, 'hey, I should start a new blog!" The old one at Live Journal didn't work out too well. All the super-serious seekers of hidden truth post on there are embedded links to YouTube. I learned a few valuable things from it though, like why you shouldn't post the name of the company you work for right after pictures of the magic circle in your library, and how you end up spending all your time responding to other people's youTube links, otherwise they stop reading yours.

This blog came about because I started reading 'Head for the Red' on here. That guy knows magic. He DOES magic. His comments were a big help to a new kid on the block; much more than hours of searching Yahoo Groups' endless argument threads. Well, the kids got some stories of his own now! Not tonight, but soon I'll start posting a few tidbits. Let's see how this flies! Thanks Red!

1 comment:

  1. Glad I could help! Honestly though, nothing I said would have made a difference to you if you weren't born a magician. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time to say what you needed to hear.

    Hopefully it wasn't wrong. :D
