I've officially started my work with Donald Tyson's Liber Lilith!
I started invoking Her a few months ago as part of the Qliphotic explorations in the Dragon Rouge curriculum with limited success. Limited but enough to get me hooked. Since then I've been reading everything I can on Lilith mythology, from early Kabbalistic texts to Mr. Tyson's 'received grimoire'. I was very suspicious of this book for a long time, but when I finally read it, it was Lilith all right. The Lilith I've come to know. In fact this is the ONLY book that came close to my understanding of the Mother of Demons.
There's a LOT of preparation to follow Tyson's system. I'm not looking to follow it EXACTLY, more to combine it with the Dragon Rouge system to meet Lilith as an equal, to gain illumination, and to explore her shell world in the Qliphoth. Even so, I decided to follow the steps he lays out in order to gain 'Knowldge and Conversation'. The first of these is the creation of a Pentacle of Lilith and the 'Circle of 11 Snakes', both on parchment created from sheepskin, (sans wool). The Pentacle has taken over a week, (see the pic above!), and I'm about to start on the Circle. After that, there's a Seal, a sculpture, a house... and even a diet!
This could take a while!
Nice! How long did that take you? It's so precise. And what did you use to make it red?
How did you get hold of the menstruated blood of a prostitute? I wonder if she will settle for Dragons Blood ink instead, in which I have? I have my theories in regards to the 11 headed Dragon within the Qliophoth and it’s correspondence to an indigenous African religion.
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